The company handbook is subject to change. Please review regularly
Within the bounds of commercial confidentiality and the law, we encourage open and honest channels of communications. We want everyone to know what is happening in our Company, how we are performing and what we plan to do in the future.
There are a number of ways in which we aim to keep you informed, including:
We believe that communication is important to keep you informed about what is happening in the company. We hold regular Company Briefings – normally quarterly – when management will keep you up-to-date on business performance, customer matters and any other relevant information that may affect you as an important member of our team.
These meetings also give you the chance to ask questions and offer good ideas. If you miss a meeting, your manager will arrange to brief you if you wish,
It is to your benefit to be well informed about your company, to which end we encourage you to read the notice boards regularly. If you wish to have something posted, perhaps a poster or special announcements, please obtain permission from your Manager.
The Health and Safety Committee will meet quarterly as a minimum and the meetings will be Chaired by the Health and Safety Officer.
The Committee will comprise of as a minimum
The Health and Safety Officer
Unite the Union Representative
Team Managers from the manufacturing area
Member of office based staff
Minutes from the meeting will be generated and circulated to the Management Team and copies posted on Company Notice Boards.
Full details of the Whistleblowing Policy and Procedure can be found in Section 4 of this Handbook.