Pay & Hours
The company handbook is subject to change. Please review regularly
What do I need to know about my pay and hours of work?
2.1a Timekeeping (all employees)
2.1c.1 Pay Rates/Hours of Work
2.1d Deductions from pay (all)
2.1a Timekeeping
While occasional absence or lateness, due for example to sickness or some emergency situation (e.g. time off for dependants) may be understandable, due to the nature of our business, absence and lateness can have a negative impact on operations and is disruptive to other employees. Attendance at work on a regular and consistent basis is a fundamental requirement of your employment with the company. All attendance is monitored through the timeclock system and absence and lateness is taken seriously by the company.
Swiping another employee’s card, falsifying a clock card or permitting the card to be falsified are considered to be fraud and will be treated as Gross Misconduct and are likely to lead to termination of your employment. If you swipe a colleague’s card in error, you must report this to your supervisor/manager immediately.
Persistent poor timekeeping will be dealt with through the Company’s Disciplinary Procedure. If you have a particular situation which may cause short-term problems with timekeeping, you must make your manager aware so that we can help you manage the impact on your job.
2.1b.1 Pay Rates/Hours of Work
You will be paid the appropriate Job Grade Rate (JGR) for your role. Rates are reviewed through consultation, on an annual basis and your current rate can be obtained from your Manager or the HR Department.
2.1b.2 Pay Intervals
You will be paid your basic week on a Thursday, one week in arrears. Payment for overtime will normally be on the Thursday following the week in which you worked the overtime. Christmas and holiday payments may vary, but you will be notified in advance of any changes.
2.1b.3 Standard Dayshift
The Standard Dayshift is for hours worked between 0800 – 1600, Monday to Friday and is paid at Job Grade Rate.
2.1b.4 Overtime
Overtime working may be necessary for time to time, but is not guaranteed. However it is part of your contract that it must be worked in certain circumstances. We hope that when it is required, that you co-operate. To qualify for overtime:
It must be authorised in advance by your Supervisor or Manager
The number of hours constituting the normal working day must be worked before overtime rates are paid.
While overtime rates apply on a daily basis, you must complete your contractual hours in any week before overtime rates apply.
Dayshift Overtime
Monday – Friday inclusive. 1600 – 0800
JGR x 1.5
Friday 1600 – Midnight Saturday
JGR x 1.5
Midnight Saturday – Midnight Sunday
JGR x 2
Midnight Sunday – 0800 Monday
JGR x 1.5
If you agree to return to work after your normal shift, you will be paid overtime at the appropriate rate for the actual hour you work.
2.1b.5 Breaks
You are entitled to:
One unpaid half hour break to be taken at mid-day, when working on standard shift pattern this will be 12.00 – 12.30.
Two paid 10 minute breaks will be given mid-morning and mid-afternoon at specified times. You are not permitted to leave the premises during these breaks.
The start and finish times of breaks on the standard (front) shift pattern will be indicated by the sounding of a hooter as shown below:
* You must be ready for work
** You must be back at your workstation
If your shift pattern is not detailed, then please discuss with Personnel
There is a two minute “wash-up” allowance before each of the breaks and end of shift. This is intended for washing hands prior to break and end of shift which means for example you may leave your work station for mid-morning break at 09:58 for hygiene purposes but must not leave the building prior to start of break at 10:00. You must then be back at your work station ready to work at the end of the mid-morning break at 10:10.
No other breaks are permitted, other than brief ‘comfort’ breaks. Additional smoking breaks are not permitted.
2.1b.6 Holiday Pay
You will be paid your job grade rate through your holidays. This includes any allowances you receive – eg Fire, First Aid, Training - but does not include Overtime Premiums or any Temporary Allowances.
We will endeavour to ensure that you receive your holiday pay in the last pay-run before your leave starts, however we reserve the right to pay holiday pay on the normal pay dates.
2.1b.7 Waiting Time
Waiting Time is paid at JGR
2.1b.8 Injuries at Work
If you lose time due to an authorised absence at First Aid or Hospital as a result of an accident at work, you will be paid at JGR. This payment will extend if necessary to the end of the shift in which the accident occurred.
2.1b.9 Sent-home
If you are sent home due to there being no work as a result of, for example, a power failure, then you will be paid as if the shift had been worked as normal.
2.1b.10 Allowances
If you are a Company designated First Aider, Firefighter or Trainer, then you will receive a supplement to your weekly pay, at the agreed rates.
2.1c.1 Pay Rates/Hours of Work
Your monthly pay will be 1/12th of your annual salary, as stated in your Contract of Employment or by its amendments following any pay review. You may also be entitled to additional pay if you are a company First Aider or Fire Marshall.
The normal working week is 37 hours per week from 0800 – 1600, Monday to Friday with a half hour unpaid lunch break, Monday to Thursday and a one-hour unpaid break on Fridays. Your contract will specify any different hours that may apply to your specific role.
2.1c.2 Pay Intervals
You will normally be paid on the 30th of the month, with the exception of February when payment will normally be made on the last working day of the month.
2.1c.3 Overtime
Your contract will state if you are eligible for overtime, and what the rate will be.
2.1c.4 Breaks
Two 10-minute breaks are allowed to be taken mid morning and mid-afternoon. No other breaks are permitted, other than brief ‘comfort’ breaks. Additional smoking breaks are not permitted.
2.1c.5 Holiday Pay
You will be paid your normal pay through your holidays. This includes any allowances you receive – eg Fire, First Aid, Training - but does not include Overtime Premiums or any Temporary Allowances.
2.1c.6 Injuries at Work
If you lose time due to an authorised absence at First Aid or Hospital as a result of an accident at work, you will be paid at your normal rate. This payment will extend if necessary to the end of the day in which the accident occurred.
2.1c.7 Call-outs
If you are required to attend the premises outside normal working hours (for example in the case of an emergency) then you will be paid a minimum of 1 hours pay, based on your normal salary. In addition, and where appropriate, time off with pay should be taken from the next working day, to ensure adequate rest has been taken.
2.1c.8 Sent-home
If you are sent home due to there being no work as a result of, for example, a power failure, then you will be paid as if the day had been worked as normal.
2.1d DEDUCTIONS FROM PAY (all employees)
The Company reserves the right and you agree that at any time during your employment or on the termination of your employment (however it occurs), that it may deduct from your salary payment and any sums reimbursable to you by the Company (such as expenses) any amount which you owe to the Company (or any Group Company), including but not limited to outstanding loans, advances, payments for excess holiday and overpayment of wages. You expressly consent to any such deductions pursuant to Part 2 of the Employment Rights Act 1996.